Latest Revision: Tuesday 5th Jan 2025
We follow the Zaidok Priestly Calendar as found in the Dead Sea Scrolls
To better understand how this calendar is calculated, click HERE
This site is currently undergoing a renovation. Some site features may not be working as intended.
We are working to get all services back up and running so please bear with us!
We have left some rudimentary content that will edify you greatly until we are 100% operational again!
We encourage you to watch the documentary at the bottom of this page also.
What do the scriptures say about His name?
“Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” uncovers the true identity of the Children of Israel by proving the true ethnicity of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Sons of Ham, Shem & Japheth.
Find out what Islam, Judaism and Christianity has covered up for centuries in regards to the true biblical identity of the so-called “Negro” in this video packed with tons of research.
–If you have received a ‘tract‘ during our outreach sessions and are concerned that we are leading people into error in regarding the truth of Torah observance, or if you suspect the literature provided may lead to a ‘fall from grace’, is a false doctrine, etc etc, then we politely ask you to please consider the following video playlist below first… We have studied and tested these video teachings ourselves, and apart from the names used throughout the presentation, we have found no fault with the ‘meat’ contained therein!–
— Dont trust anything we say though! Please pray to Ruach Ha’Kodesh (AKA: The Holy Spirit) for discernment and understanding on the matter! —
— Please reach out if you came to a different conclusion, have a reproof/rebuke or if you were advised otherwise by the Spirit! 🙂 —
— Most importantly! Always remember: Matthew 23:8-12 and 1 John 2:27 —
HallaluYahuah and Shalum 🙂
^ 8 Part in-depth study on Paul’s letters by 119 Ministries ^