We have linked some fantastic content below that we believe may edify you on your faith journey in the meantime! Please Note: The content below is NOT our own, nor are we affiliated with the respective ministries . Some of these studies may use incorrect names and/or titles such as LORD and GOD etc. However, the meat/substance of these resources are in our humble opinion, second to none! We have tested these resources and found them very edifying! If you feel they may be in error please reach out and let us know!
1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Test all things; hold fast what is good .
Foundational Studies
Is Jesus the true name of the Messiah? Why it Matters – Part 1 by TruthUnedited.com | Part 2
Uncovering Falsehoods (Pt. 1) – The INEFFABLE NAME Doctrine: Why we say “THE LORD” instead of His Name by TruthUnedited.com
Name of God Series (Highly recommended to watch: Parts 1-7) by The God Culture
Are YaHUaH and YaHUSHA One in The Same? – Part 1 by Natsarym of YAHUaH | Part 2
Yeshua: Man or Elohim-Man? by Triumph in Truth
Pauline Paradox Series by 119 Ministries. This is a fantastic series that delves into the apostle Shaul’s (Paul) letters and smashes the narrative out of the park that the Torah (Law) is done away with! When we first came to the notion that we are to continue to establish the Torah (Law + Prophets) we received so much backlash/resistance from many Christian Church’s and the leadership teams, being constantly told that ‘the law was done away with!’, it was ‘nailed to the cross’, if you follow the Torah (law) then you have ‘fallen from Grace’ and the list goes on. This could NOT be further from the truth friends and we truly believe this specific playlist to be an absolute blessing! YES! – We believe ‘The Law of Sin and Death ‘, one of the many laws that is discussed in his letters is done away with (The ordinance that was against us; ‘The Wages of SIN is DEATH ‘), but dont let them fool you that the whole Torah of Aluah is done away with! Infact, Messiah Yahusha came to show us as a living example that it can be fulfilled, but we are powerless to do it on our own accord without the Ruach Ha Kodesh. For further reading on how the set-apart spirit enables us to keep the Torah, see YiremiYAHU (Jeremiah 31:31).
Mark of the Beast
Revealing The Mark of The Beast….. It’s Not What You Think by Jon Truth
Lawlessness and the Commandments
Understanding The Mystery Of Lawlessness by Triumph in Truth | Part 2 Brother Gary Steven Simons, was once a Pastor in a mega-church under John Osteen (of Joel Osteen ilk) and came to the truth of Torah Observance many years ago. We encourage you to check out his testimony: How A Sunday Mega-Church Pastor Came To Torah This video specifically discusses the ‘Mystery of Lawlessness’ and the signs and events that must happen before the return of our Messiah. This was one of the most powerful videos we have seen on the topic, and we love the fact that he displays the relevant scriptures on-screen as the presentation progresses. He makes a bold distinction between ‘Righteousness’ and Lawlessness’ so don’t forget to check out Part 2 also (included in playlist), as there is a lot to glean in both videos and they definitely go hand in hand!
Which Commandments Should I Obey? by Triumph in Truth This two part series discusses which of the commandments we are to obey and touches on the difference between the 10 Commandments, The Commandments of Torah (often quoted as 613 commandments) and the 2 Great Commands (Love Yahuah and Love People). Do we follow ‘just the 2 commandments’ and how do they relate to the 10 commandments given in Exodus 20.
Judging Others
JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED by Kingdom Seekers Are we to judge others? This scripture is usually taken out of context and twisted. We encourage you to give this short video a watch to understand the true context on judging others righteously.
Hidden Messages in the Scriptures
Knowing God – An Extraterrestrial Message by Chuck Missler The late brother Chuck Missler delves into the Old Testament and touches on the fallacy that ‘you can’t prove the bible’. He shows us the importance of the Hebrew Language, the meaning of some of the OTIOT and Hebrew Words/Names as well as various hidden codes that have been found built into the first five (5) books of Mosheh (The Pentateuch). He goes through the Genealogy that is listed and Genesis 5 which tells us an amazing story of the coming Mashiack that we can only understand by researching the Hebrew text! This was a great blessing to us when we got sick and tired of playing the game of ‘Chinese Whispers’ with the Greek Text and our Pastors/Leaders and decided to seek out the earliest forms of scriptural evidences we had regarding the original Word of Aluah, and that’s when we discovered the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’. A very encouraging video indeed and it was a big help in getting us out of the Hellenized Greek/Roman Pagan ‘doctrines of men’ the world was preaching and into more pure and honest truth. “The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed ; The Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed ” – Augustine (as quoted by Brother Chuck Missler)
Christmas, Easter and Other Pagan Festivals
The Christmas Question Documentary by 119 Ministries
Historical evidence of Noah’s ark landing in the Himalayas. Also discusses evidence of Mashiach in the Indian Arthava Veda’s! Very eye opening watch! 🙂
The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem.. by David Pawson
Understanding Sabbath
Sabbath Series (Highlights: Part 6B and 6C) by The God Culture
What time does the Sabbath start? Not Friday or Sunday…
Understanding the true language of the scriptures
RECAP! Understanding Your Bible! by Alan Horvath
Otiot! La Shone ha Qodesh Qaddam? by Alan Horvath
Yahuah, the Name of the Father by YHUHderek
Yahusha, the Name of the Son by YHUHderek
Prophetic Timeline – 6000 years
Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline by Messiah 2030 This video series breaks down all the prophesies on the scriptural timeline, shows us what HAS been fulfilled and what is YET to be fulfilled. (Think about MattithYAHU (Matthew) 5:17-20 here for a second…) Although we do ‘not know the day or the hour’ (Matt 24:36) that Messiah Yahusha will come back, this gives us an indication on what we are looking for and when He may return. There have been many calendar alterations over the last 2000 years, so we don’t see this documentary as ‘concrete evidence’ nor do we fully support all the content in its entirety, but, we have chosen to include it here as it is very edifying in showing that not all things have been fulfilled yet, and we feel this may encourage others to review their stance on keeping the law before throwing the Torah (our instructions) in the trash!
Messiah Related
NATSARIM DOCUMENTARY: Who Were Yahusha’s First Followers? by Torah Institute
Identity: THE ANGEL OF YHWH (The Angel of the Lord) by Parable of the Vineyard
Food and Dietary Instructions
Can We Eat All Things? (1 Timothy 4) by 119 Ministries
Acts 10 – Peters Vision by 119 Ministries This video discusses Peter’s vision whereby heaven opened up and a sheet came down with all kinds of clean/unclean animals. It is a common fallacy that this dream was regarding ‘eating all foods’ but we disagree with that interpretation. It’s important to review all the context and the 119 Ministries team have done an outstanding job in both this and the presentation on 1 Tim 4 above. We encourage you to watch both and make your own decision on the matter, but for us, we quit eating Pork, Shellfish and other abominations a while back on our journey, and if we can overcome this you can too! (See also: Isaiah 66:15-17 to see what will happen to those doing such things on His return!)
Scripture Audio Books / Line by Line Studies
Enoch Comprehensive (line-by-line) Study by Parable of the Vineyard (24 Part Series / Covers: Chapter 1 – 108 of 1 Enoch)
Book of Enoch – Narrated by Christopher Glyn
Book of Jasher – Narrated by Christopher Glyn
Further Resources
This map below is provided by 119 Ministries and is a public list of those looking for fellowship around the world. Please note : not everyone will have the same beliefs, so it is important to do your own research when reaching out to see what beliefs people are following. Understand that none of us have it perfect so please be patient and polite. Majority of the people on this map have come to the understanding that we are to be both ‘Justified’ by Messiah and Torah (instructions) observant. Faith without works is dead!
Supported Ministries
These are some of the ministries that we have found to be very helpful on our journey and we encourage you to check out their respective pages and content for yourself. We are not affiliated with them directly but we felt it would be an injustice not to list them here and give credit for the great work they are doing to honour and glorify our Aluah and Messiah. We have watched/followed them off and on over the years and can vouch for the fruit that they have displayed in most of their content! (We do not support ALL their content/claims, and once again 1 Thess 5:21!) Ultimately, all praise and esteem goes to Yahuah, so we thank Yahuah for the great work He has started and will continue to do using these respective ministries!
Truth Unedited Parable of the Vineyard Torah Institute Triumph In Truth 119 Ministries
Hebrew Language Studies